Maftet EGYPTIAN MAUS Ancient and elegant

Planned Litters

Sadly, we are not doing any more litters. This is due to the need to import Queens in order to continue breeding, combined with Covid making this more expensive.


Mated Shadow and Kat 13 Oct. Four kittens born 20 Dec, 3 smokes and 1 silver. All are boys except one of the smokes.

Video of kittens (8 weeks)

Kitten 1 - Silver Male EVALUATION

Kitten 2 - Smoke Male RESERVED

Kitten 3 - Smoke Female RESERVED

Kitten 4 - Smoke Male RESERVED

About Kittens

Kittens will be held for you after receipt of a deposit of $250. This is not refundable if you change your mind. Kitten cost depends on color:

Included in the cost is:

The intent here is that after purchase there is nothing more for you to pay, other than routine care tasks (feeding, worming, defleaing).

Kittens should be ready to pick up at about 13 weeks or later (after the 2nd vaccination and de-sexing). They need to be kept inside for another 10 days afterwards. Additionally only supervised outdoor access should be allowed until they are 6-7 months old.

Kittens are listed with status indicator. The meaning of this is explained here:

Kittens with EVALUATION status are for breeding (i.e not desexed). However, special considerations apply:

As a result I will not sell un-desexed kittens as pets or offer desexing contracts under any circumstances (do not ask). Also I will not allow kittens to be collected before the 13 week time frame.